I am an official teacher!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Posted by Miss Wilson at 1:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 19, 2010
I am sure that my students find my American ways to be odd at times, and I can surely retort that I love the little idiosyncrasies that I see in my students :). This week was St. Patrick's Day as all of you Americans know. When I arrived to school on Wednesday I was prepared to attack my unknowing students without green. So, I walked into a classroom and surprised several unsuspecting kids :) I pinched them lightly and they asked, "Why did you do that?" I briefed them on the holiday and drew a green shamrock on the board: one with 3 leaves and one with 4 leaves (the students then exclaimed, "oh, that is lucky!") Anyway, the kids loved the idea of pinching if they weren't wearing green.
Posted by Miss Wilson at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Last night I experienced my first earthquake. I was sitting on my bed watching American television via the web when I felt my bed shaking. I was confused at first and thought that maybe my neighbors above me were jumping around. I quickly came to the conclusion that wasn't the case because 1) Japanese people don't make a ruckuses/noises 2) Japanese people jumping on the floor above me wouldn't cause my walls to shake. After this startling realization I dove to the floor participating in the "Triangle of Life" drill (please look this up because Americans are just now learning how to survive in the event of an earthquake). After about 10 seconds the earthquake was over, and I immediately called home to share the news with my family!
Posted by Miss Wilson at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 22, 2010
Loving Life!
I drove myself home from the Maruyama alone!! It was an empowering feeling because 1) I have only driven once with my boss and co-worker 2) it was dark outside and I could navigate in the dark 3) I only took the wrong turn once! However, it did the thought that I might get lost in a foreign country and run out of gas in the middle of nowhere did cross my mind.
Posted by Miss Wilson at 4:49 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Driver's Ed.
Today I learned how to drive on the left side of the road!! It was quite an experience, but I am a beast so it didn't take me long to learn..haha. It was weird because the steering wheel is on the right side, and the blinker and windshield wiper levers were switches. I only mixed them up once so as I was turning my windshield wiper was swooshing like crazy :)
Posted by Miss Wilson at 6:16 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 12, 2010
My first day of work!
Today, the immersion friend's club (from both campuses) went sledding. So, all the kids were in either 1st or 2nd grade :) They were adorable. On our ride to the mountain to sled (that's right...a mountain!) the kids would say, "You have yellow hair." or "Your eyes are blue!" It was so cute. When we arrived the kids grabbed my hands and we ran to grab our sleds. By the time we reached the top of the "hill" I was dead. It was such a climb...I only did it 4 times. haha So, the rest of the time I pushed kids on their sleds or had snowball fights with the kids. When we got back to the school (around 12:15) we played for 30 minutes until parent pick up.
Posted by Miss Wilson at 8:53 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Well, today was the first day of training. All the new staff and some old met at the Maruyama Campus to learn about the curriculum and our job expectations. We got to watch several videos of a K4 classroom. The name is pretty self explanatory, but it was a class full of 4 year old Japanese kids! The video we watched was taped on their 11th day in the English classroom. I was completely amazed at what the kids had learned by that day! (The only language used in class is English so the kids have to pick it up quickly) At the beginning of the video their teacher instructed the boys to sit in the back row and the girls to sit in the front. A couple students went to the wrong row, and the other kids quickly told them "no! no! no!" Then, the teacher led the students in several songs using motions and read through short poems with pics. These help the children identify sounds and pictures, and they eventually learn those as a word.
Posted by Miss Wilson at 11:53 PM 2 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Hello all!
- everyone stares! I can't even tell you how many times people have taken pictures of me. hahaha
- Japanese children are sooooo cute!!! They love to talk to us so they yell out, "Hello!" and "Bye Bye"...and that's about the extent of their English. haha (excluding the kids at our school)
- Japanese teens and adults also love to try out their English so they may walk by and hear us speaking to each other approach us, whip out their English phrase books, and start talking to us!
- Japanese guys are delish. They are usually extremely shy, but a few have approached me and tried their English on me :D
- I now know about 7 or 8 words/phrases. I need to learn Japanese....badly.
Posted by Miss Wilson at 1:15 AM 2 comments